Sunday, September 18, 2011

My experience with Windows Developer Preview (Windows 8)

The day the Developers Preview was released I couldn't decide whether to put it on my main laptop or my netbook... or both.. I decided to go with my Hp Compaq 6820s which at the time was dual booted with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04. I deleted all partitions besides my main Windows 7 partition and did a clean install of Windows 8. My computer literally boots in 15 seconds.... If I had a ssd in it I wouldn't be surprised at all if it boot in under 10 seconds, that's how fast it is. So besides the fast boot time, I've used this developers preview for a solid 15 hours and have yet to have a single hiccup, I love it. The integration between the normal desktop and what they call the Metro UI is very friendly, especially if you have a tablet PC. If you have been debating on whether to try this out or wait for the official beta, here's my opinion. DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL NOW! I installed the x86 version but I'm honestly considering buying a tablet PC just because of this OS. I'll keep you updated with my experience but as of now I won't be using anything else.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Windows 8 Developer Preview

Normally I wouldn't post about an operating system in specific but this is something I think people would want to know about(if you already haven't heard). Microsoft released its official Windows 8 Developers build which is basically a beta to the beta version. Below is the link to download the .iso file, in which you can download either x64, x86, or x64 with the developer tools. ENJOY!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Motorola MOTOROKR S305 Bluetooth stereo headphones

The first product I figured I'd review that wasn't a smart phone would have to be my Motorola S305 Bluetooth headphones. I've owned these for over 2 years now and I literally use them on a daily basis. Of all the different gadgets I have purchased, this is by far the best investment I have ever made. Before becoming a Bluetooth lover, I was like most people using the standard in-ear headphones and was extremely worried about the sound quality, battery life and clarity(static interference) of a wireless stereo headsets on the market. One day I was running on the treadmill and my headphone wire got caught on something and ripped the $100 headphones(they were an over-ear model) from my head causing them to break in half. Immediately after that happened, I walked to my computer, searched the different Bluetooth stereo headphones and bought these. These Bluetooth headphones are very cheap compared to the many other brands but I have yet to have a single complaint with these. The audio quality is very good for most music but it lacks a little in the bass region, so don't expect to listen to Young Jeezy and have the same quality as the subs in your car. I listen to a wide variety of music and I am very impressed with the quality for these wireless headphones. The battery life on these is quite good with roughly 6 hours of listening to music and about 6.5 hours talking on the phone. Yes, these headphones also have a built-in microphone so while you're going on a run and someone calls, all you have to do is push a button on the right side of the headphone and you can talk while you run. The headphones also have volume buttons, an on/off button and next/previous track buttons. I can't tell you how many times I would be walking down the street listening to music and get a call. It's as simple as pushing a button and you're talking to said caller, plus when the call is finished the music resumes right where it left off. It almost impossible for me to write down all the reasons I love these headphones but I'll just leave this food for thought. You can get these headphones for around $40. How much do those Bose/Beats you want cost? At least 5-10 times that? And what happens when the headphone cord gets caught on a door handle and rips the wire out? I can walk around the house with no phone/computer by me and these just keep going. With a range of over 30ft the benefits of having these headphones just keep going. If you have ever though about getting Bluetooth headphones this is the place to start. They will sync with anything that has Bluetooth(which is literally every smart phone there is(Iphones, Windows phones, Android phones, Blackberrys and all others) and the majority of modern computers/laptops/tablets). I GUARANTEE you will not be disappointed with these. The Motorola MOTOROKR S305 Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Headphones get an A++ rating from me.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Great Smartphone OS Shootout: Windows, Apple, and Android; What Should You get?

Now that smartphones are available for basically every provider, everyone wants to have the newest device with the latest operating system. Unfortunately, many people look at the phone's specifications before they look at the system it runs on. In my opinion, pretty much every "smartphone" produced this year has specs that will suit anyone's normal phone use and this is why choosing a phone with a comfortable OS is very important. Here is a simple guideline that will help you get started:

If you like Windows 7, you will most likely want a Windows Phone 7.
If you like Apple OS X Lion (or other versions), you will most likely want to get an Iphone 4 (or 3gs)
If you like Linux, you will most likely want an android phone.

To me it's as simple as that. Currently, both my laptops are dual booted with Windows 7 and Ubuntu but phone wise I chose a Samsung Focus and I am extremely satisfied.

Also, just something to remember if you don't have much experience with these computer operating systems is that Apple usually has a "locked" OS, which means you don't have many customization options. Windows gives you a little more freedom but not as much as Android systems.

If you have any questions I will be more than willing to give my 2 cents just write a comment.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Samsung Droid Charge

The Samsung Droid Charge has some of the best specifications of any smartphone to date, which is why this phone will be the new industry standard. To begin, this phone has a HUGE crystal-clear display. It's 4.3 super AMOLED Plus screen is one the of the best screens you can get for a phone and because it has an 8MP camera you can view your high resolution pictures in full detail. With up to 32GB of storage(2GB built in) you can storage all your favorite pictures and music no problem. It also has a fast processor, the newest Bluetooth technology, an addition 1.3MP front facing camera and supports flash so you the entire internet at your fingertips. In my opinion, if you are a Verizon customer this is a great option if you want a killer smartphone.