Monday, August 29, 2011

Apple Iphone 4

The Apple Iphone 4, a phone for all people regardless of age, experience or profession. This phone started the touchscreen revolution and continues to make a huge impact in the smart phone market. Even though its earlier generations lacked key features, the Iphone 4 takes the cake in the endless popularity contest of having the latest Apple product. The specifications of the phone are quite impressive with up to 32gb of memory, a 5MP camera, an incredibly clear almost unreal screen resolution along with every other amenity in the book. In my opinion, this phone is a great phone for someone just starting out in the smart phone world but I wouldn't recommend it for someone who has experience. Another drawback is the price. If you already enjoy Apple products this phone is extremely recommended for you.

1 comment:

  1. Owning an iphone 4, I think that's a pretty accurate review. one think with the screen resolution, is that I can't stand it when i see an older iphone or ipad that doesn't have that amazing resolution.
